Comments from our customers……

“and YES!!! it does work. I feel much better, thank you!” R.W.

“I am really surprised there is no taste to this one. The one I bought in California tastes like you were putting liquid hay in your mouth”


With Black-Panther Infusions Salve, my chronic knee pain goes away. Unbelievable! “

Dr. B.

A zillion thanks Leigh Panther Pelc.... I slept all night! No pain meds, just CBD and ice and I feel so much better!


From Patrick W.

When CBD oil hit mainstream, I tried different ones and the results where mixed until I made a family emergency trip to Denver, CJ introduced me to y’alls CBD isolate and made me a bottle to try out. After a week I noticed I wasn’t having any PVCs and forgot all about the Klonopin. Two months later and still zero PVCs and Zero RXs.I know it works!

CJ is doing well for an old girl. I so appreciate all your help keeping her in our lives. We are even taking her with us on a road trip in June to ND for family reunion.

CBD is such wonderful stuff! Pat

”It’s not what you feel, it’s what you don’t feel”